Active task forces

ECETOC task forces are established by ECETOC’s Scientific Committee in response to an identified need or objective, which typically sit within the framework of its strategy.

The work of an ECETOC task force follows a terms of reference established by the Scientific Committee. Each task force is directed by a chair, who is responsible for assuring the completion of its objectives. And each task force is supported by a scientific officer from the ECETOC Secretariat.


Assessing risks to biodiversity from exposure to chemicals: where are we and where should we be going?

Why The EU commission is increasingly focusing on restoring and preserving biodiversity, as evidenced by several new strategic documents.  EU Biodiversity strategy, Farm to Fork, and the EU...
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Building knowledge from available degradation simulation studies: analysis of the most influential factors & development of a grouping approach

Background Degradation simulation studies are complex and technically challenging. Additionally, they are used to evaluate a broad range of industrial chemicals, with increasing data/testing requir...
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Dose Selection Task Force

Background Recent opinions published by the RAC on low top dose selection in animal toxicity studies have indicated an apparent intent of increasing dosages systematically in view of the criteria use...
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Good Practices in Omics Data Interpretation for Regulatory Applications

Why Current frameworks guide omics data generation and reporting but lack interpretation guidance for regulatory use.​ Focus is on addressing this gap without duplicating ongoing efforts in...
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Inhalation Toxicological Properties of Low Soluble Particles and Their Relevance for C&L

Background Poorly soluble particulate substances of low toxicity are progressively coming under intense regulatory pressure culminating in unjustified additional testing (see the extensive data pac...
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Plastic Additives – Chemical risk assessment in the linear and circular plastic economy

Why Plastic additives and plastic-associated chemicals are a topic of great interest for the negotiations of the Internationally Legal Binding Instrument to End Plastic Waste (‘ILBI’). Developing...
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Polymer Analytics Task Force

Why Polymers are best known as components of plastics; however, many other types of polymers exist as well, with joint estimates ranging from 70,000 to 400,000 polymers currently commercialized in th...
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Population relevance for NTOs per EU Endocrine Disruption Criteria – Expert Group

Why Technical guidance is still missing in response to EU scientific criteria for the determination of endocrine disrupting (ED) properties (ECHA & EFSA, 2018), to identify whether observed adver...
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Scientific perspective on in vivo DNT testing

Why Discussions are ongoing regarding the integration of developmental neuroxocixity (DNT) testing in chemical safety assessment in Europe (e.g. via inclusion of DNT cohorts in EOGRT studies (OECD TG...
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Smart studies: Examine how in vivo studies could provide more information encompassing novel studies (and endpoints)

Why “Smart” or extended studies can be defined as in vivo studies that employ additional or different endpoints from conventional studies. They fall into 2 categories: • those that follow u...
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Special T4 Task Force

Why A potential connection between reduction of thyroid hormones, in particular thyroxine (T4), and impaired neuronal (mental) development in children is being discussed. This debate has caused uncer...
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Staged assessment: Exemplify the staged assessment process by using it to provide more information in low tonnage bands

Why The current paradigm for identifying data (study) requirements is based upon a surrogate of exposure, namely production volume, which may under or overestimate real exposure. As presented in Both...
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State of the Science and Next Steps for Non-EATS Modalities (metabolic disorders)

Why Future regulation may extend beyond EATS (estrogen, androgen, thyroid, steroidogenic) mediated ED State of science on non-EATS modalities needs review. How Establish state of scien...
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Substances that activate various liver receptors as endocrine disruptors

Why The current development of NAMs in the field of endocrine disruption (ED) is very active as the concept of ED is evolving in various areas of toxicology including liver toxicity/xenobiotic meta...
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Targeted Risk Assessment: TRA Tool Steering Team

Introduction ECETOC initiated its targeted risk assessment (TRA) activity in 2001 and the first public version (v1) of the TRA exposure model was made available in 2004. Since then the TRA tool has c...
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Targeted Sustainability Tool (ECETOC TST): Tier 1 tool for safety dimension assessment under the Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) framework

Why In the European Green Deal, the European Commission has laid out its plan to achieve a “toxic-free environment” (COM, 2019, 2020). The centrepiece of this plan is to encourage the use and dev...
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TRA Task Force – Consumer branch

This Task Force was established to carry out an in-depth evaluation of the TRA Consumer tool. A manuscript entitled An assessment of the ECETOC TRA Consumer tool performance as a screening level to...
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TRA Task Force – Environment branch

This Task Force is active on a number of initiatives: A state of the science literature review on assessment of humans exposed indirectly via the environment, to ascertain the state of the scien...
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TRA Task Force – Worker branch

This Task Force has been active since 2019 to conduct a review of published validation studies on the TRA Worker tool. A peer-reviewed publication (Urbanus et al., 2020) sets out the initial review...
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Use of clinical data in identification of respiratory sensitisers

Background There has been a propensity by regulators to rely primarily on health surveillance/clinical case study data (case reports, clinical databases, worker exposure studies) to classify substa...
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