Technical Report
TR 141 – Comparison of measured and modelled short-term inhalation and dermal exposure
In a Nutshell
An ECETOC Task Force has carried out further comparisons of modelled results from its Targeted Risk Assessment (TRA) Worker tool with actual measurement data for inhalation and dermal exposure to chemicals in workplaces. The tool is used by companies in Europe to model exposure assessments of chemical substances for REACH dossiers. The Task Force’s work demonstrated that the current version of the Worker tool (TRAv3.1) overestimated the actual measured exposure in most cases. Together with the results from a previous analysis, sufficient information was available to refine the TRAv3.1 tool. A new version of the TRA Worker tool (v3.2), available from mid-October 2023, will feature targeted changes, described in TR No. 141, that further increase the conservatism of the tool.