
Royal Society of Chemistry Expert Panel on Endocrine Disrupter Low Dose Effects RSC London 4th June 2014

This RSC Workshop took place on June 4th 2014 and the report can be downloaded from . The workshop was a follow-up to a previous workshop “ECETOC Expert Panel to Better Understand Endocrine Disrupter Low Doses Effects” held on 22-23 April 2013.

The objectives of the RSC workshop were:

•    To recapitulate and discuss the content of the US EPA, the US NAS and the Vandenberg
•    reviews
•    To determine research priorities and select the endocrine axis to be considered first
•    To develop an outline of a research programme
•    To discuss potential sources of funding for the research programme.

A follow-up Expert meeting will be held 09 April 2015 at the RSC to move this important initiative forward.