
Focus on… 2022 Scoping Meeting

Times are changing? So is our Scoping Meeting

ECHA's keynote will only be one of many "firsts" at this year’s Scoping Meeting.
The COVID pandemic brought many changes to our way of working and with this very well in mind, the Organising Committee* joined forces with the Secretariat to integrate more collaboration, more focus and more networking into the programme of the workshop.

To start, we have decided to combine the Environment and Human Health events into one. This, we believe, will help create more synergies and cross-sector collaboration while reducing the time away from the office.

Secondly, this year’s meeting will only focus on potential future activities to be developed by ECETOC – no scoping is foreseen for projects to be funded by Cefic LRI. Furthermore, the categories under which these activities fall were created on the basis of recommendations received from over 20 regulatory bodies from the EU and beyond surveyed in early 2022, to ensure that our work plan focuses on policy priorities and upcoming changes in regulations.

Finally, after carefully listening to the feedback provided by participants from previous editions, who often commented about the limited networking time, we designed a programme that fosters exchange and added a dedicated networking session at the end of day one.

“Designing our workshops to allow participants to make the most of face-to-face exchange is key for us, now that we have all become more selective with our travel choices”, explains Blanca Serrano. “I really want to thank the Organising Committee for helping us innovate and experiment. Even the very dynamic and vibrant venue hosting the workshop is meant to spark collaboration, co-creation and networking. I look forward to seeing you there!”.

ECETOC’s 2022 Scoping Meeting will take place on 13-14 September in Brussels, at the recently-opened Sparks meeting centre, located just a few steps away from the city central station. Very limited availability remains for face-to-face participation (priority will go to member companies without registered attendees). Visit the event page for more information or contact us for more details!

*ECETOC would like to thank Heli Hollnagel, Philippe Lemaire, Miriam Leon Paumen and Ben van Ravenzwaay for joining the Organising Committee as well as Phil Botham and Gordon Sanders for helping selecting the proposals that will be pitched at this year’s meeting.