
Nanotoxicology journal publishes details of new ECETOC NanoApp

Details of the newly-launched NanoApp have been published in the journal Nanotoxicology. The paper, ‘Rationale and decision rules behind the ECETOC NanoApp to support registration of sets of simil...
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ECETOC launches new NanoApp, combined with training for users

The Centre for chemical safety assessment (ECETOC) will formally launch its keenly-awaited new NanoApp on 30 November this year. The web-based tool has been designed to help industry register  nanom...
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Dutch Society for Toxicology’s TCDD magazine features ECETOC new Conceptual Framework for Polymer Safety Assessment

TCDD (Toxicological Communication, Data en Documentation), the Dutch Society for Toxicology's quarterly magazine has recently published a feature on ECETOC’s new Conceptual Framework for Polymer Ris...
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EPAA and NC3Rs final call for data: acute oral toxicity studies

EPAA and NC3Rs final call for data: acute oral toxicity studies

ECETOC is supporting this call for data for acute oral toxicity studies. In collaboration with the European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA), the National Centre for the...
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ECETOC Task Force explores strategies for assessing effects of chemical mixtures on aquatic communities

A study by ECETOC has explored the challenge of assessing the effects of mixtures of chemicals on aquatic communities comprising many species. Chemical safety assessment generally studies the effects...
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Hazard identification, classification, and risk assessment of carcinogens: too much or too little? – Report of an ECETOC workshop

An international workshop organised by the Centre for chemical safety assessment (ECETOC) was held in September 2019 in Helsinki to explore the scientific limitations of the current ‘binary’ carci...
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ECETOC gathers together gut microbiome experts to pool their knowledge and identify areas for new research

ECETOC gathered together a high-powered group of gut microbiome specialists in an expert meeting to assess progress in research, pool existing knowledge into a white paper and identify gaps for furthe...
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ECETOC helps improve and expand read-across techniques for chemical safety assessments

The concept of ‘read-across’ in chemical safety assessments took a large step forward at a workshop organised by the Centre for chemical safety assessment, ECETOC. Read-across is a technique for...
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‘Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry’ publishes ECETOC-commissioned study into microplastics ingestion

An article commissioned by ECETOC’s Microplastics Scientific Platform, ‘Towards improved understanding of the ingestion and trophic transfer of microplastic particles – Critical review and impli...
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New data and tools added to ECETOC’s Human Exposure Assessment Tools Database

ECETOC’s Human Exposure Assessment Tools Database (heatDB), has been enhanced with new data and tools as part of its annual update. The latest update covers the period from June 2018, where the p...
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ECETOC study investigates the extrapolation of aquatic environmental safety assessment data to soils and sediments

A study by ECETOC has investigated the extrapolation of data from ecotoxicity tests carried out in water to assess toxicity in soils and sediments, using the Equilibrium Partitioning Methodology (EPM)...
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Second report of ECETOC trilogy on polymer safety assessment looks at analytical tools, methods and models

ECETOC has today published the second part of its trilogy on polymer safety assessment. Polymers cover a broad spectrum of generally very large molecules, including cellulose, waxes, and resins. They...
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Conceptual framework for polymer safety assessment

The European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals Polymers Task Force has developed a Conceptual Framework for Polymer Risk Assessment (CF4Polymers).  It reviews the state-of-the-scie...
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ECETOC Task Force provides new insights into toxicity testing of microparticles and poorly soluble liquids in the water environment

A Task Force set up by the European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC) has provided new insights into scientific testing for the impact of undissolved particles in the aquatic environment.
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Doubts cast on link between PSPs and lung cancer in humans

Experimental study findings in which chronic inhalation of poorly soluble particles (PSPs) gives rise to lung tumours in rats have been questioned in terms of their relevance and applicability to hum...
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The Toxicology Forum

Planned as a 2.5 day workshop, organized under the principles and with the assistance of The Toxicology Forum, this meeting intends to progress towards a broadly accepted framework to assess and position the safety of trace chemicals exposure from consumer products, and in particular from articles and assembled consumer goods.
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2018 list of MAK and BAT values

Thanks to Andrea Hartwig and Heidrun Greim for announcing the 2018 list of MAK and BAT values: Deutsche Email siehe unten/ German version see below *********************************************** D...
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Significant updates to ECETOC’s Human Exposure Assessment Tools Database

BRUSSELS, 30 July 2018 – Significant new data and tools have been added to ECETOC’s Human Exposure Assessment Tools Database (heatDB) following a recent update. heatDB gathers together all publi...
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Advisory report on Phenytoin published by the Health Council of the Netherlands

The advisory report on Phenytoin has been published by the Health Council of the Netherlands and can be downloaded via this link:
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