Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee is responsible for the definition, management and peer review of the ECETOC scientific work programme. The Committee consists of at least six representatives from member organisations, but also of scientists working in academia and regulatory bodies. The Board appoints the Chair and members of the Scientific Committee based on their scientific expertise.


  • Lead the development and oversee the implementation of the ECETOC Scientific Programme
  • Members of the Scientific Committee represent major scientific disciplines for the toxicological evaluation of chemicals.
  • Provides a forum for sharing knowledge and experience.
  • Scientific Committee members act as Stewards to ensure continued quality and scientific integrity of Manuscripts and Reports of Task Forces.
  • Network with key stakeholders to share and promote ECETOC output that contributes to informed, reliable and science-based chemicals management decisions.
  • Highlight the need to update Technical Reports in the light of new knowledge.

Johannes Tolls



Paolo Boffetta Università di Bologna
Phil Botham Syngenta
Alistair Boxall University of York
Dorothee Funk-Weyer BASF
Timothy Gant Imperial College London
Helmut Greim Technical University Munich
Andreas Häner F. Hoffmann-La Roche
Daniela Holland ExxonMobil
Heli Hollnagel Dow
Petra Kern Procter & Gamble
Philippe Lemaire Total Energies
Lorraine Maltby University of Sheffield
Gina Montoya Parra Nestlé
Ben van Ravenzwaay Wageningen University & Research
David Rouquié – Vice chair Bayer
Gordon Sanders Givaudan
Mathijs Smit Shell
Claire Terry Corteva
Kees van Leeuwen Utrecht University