ECETOC Activity Update
Have a look at what's coming up in the next few weeks. If you're interested in taking part, get in contact with us!
DEVELOPMENT OF NEW TRA ENVIRONMENT SOFTWARE: ECETOC has contracted ProtoQSAR to migrate the Environment TRA tool from its current form (series of excel spreadsheets) into an easier-to-use standalone application. The aim is to maintain the current functionality of the overall functionality/flexibility of the tool. The tool will also be updated in line with recent Chesar updates (e.g. update to SimpleTreat and inclusion of in-sewer removal).
Similar migrations for the Worker and Consumer TRA tools may be considered in the future.The ECETOC TRA Environment Task force will maintain a regular dialogue with ProtoQSAR experts. If you would like to participate to these discussions and help shape the tool, please contact Lucy Wilmot.
LAUNCHING SOON: ECETOC is launching a Task Force to develop case studies and a framework for an intelligent, integrative, and innovative evaluation of chronic fish toxicity. The aim is to make best use of available data (including new approach methodologies (NAMs)) and reduce testing on vertebrate animals, whilst providing more predictivity e.g. on mechanism of action. The details are still under refinement, but we plan to send a Call for Nominations in Q1. For more information, please contact Lucy Wilmot.
JOIN THE SHADOW GROUP FOR THE ECHA ED EG: We are estabilshing a shadow group to support ECETOC’s participation in the ECHA Endocrine Disruptors Expert Group (ED EG). The primary objective of this group will be to collaborate with ECETOC's designated representative to determine key topics and inputs for the ED EG meetings. Volunteers are invited to be in touch asap. Interested? Contact Megan D’souza.
NEW TASK FORCE ANNOUNCEMENT: A new task force recently kicked off focusing on Case Studies on Reliability and Relevance Considerations during Validation of NAMs. Anyone interested in participating can reach out to Megan D’souza.