Workshop Report 31

Overview of the ECETOC Human Exposure Task Force


Dr Tozer introduced task force members (See Appendix D), stewards and partners involved in this ECETOC project. She explained that in many instances, exposure and toxicokinetics are more discriminating determinants of risk than is hazard. Key considerations with the progress in toxicology in the 21st century include linking consumer exposure data to in vitro toxicology dose response data for safety assessment. An early focus on exposure is essential as a basis to increase efficiency and reliability in risk assessment. There is a need for a structured approach for assessing and integrating human exposure data into the risk assessment. Whilst many models are available, e.g. ConsExpov.5.0[1] (Delmaar et al., 2005), Creme Care & Cosmetics™ (Creme Global, 2011[2]), Lifeline (The Lifeline Group[3]), and Stochastic Human Exposure and Dose Simulation or SHEDS (US EPA, 2015[4]) and others (TAGS, 2011[5]), there is a lack of guidance as to their applicability to assessing exposure in the context of the problem formulation for risk assessment.

The overall aim of the ECETOC Human Exposure Data Task Force was to provide exposure assessors with a review of exposure data sources that are available, and to provide guidance how to incorporate data inputs for high tier aggregate exposure assessment for those situations where aggregate exposure is considered relevant. The Task Force covered the following work areas:

  • An overview of the current human consumer exposure landscape, which includes currently available data and tools
  • Opportunities to develop exposure data sources related to specific product categories.

Aggregate exposure assessment examples (how to combine multiple sources and routes of exposure) including case study examples for phenoxyethanol, triclosan and general solvent use.

[1] Available at
[2] Available at
[3] Available at
[4] Available at
[5] Cefic Long Range Research has developed “Realistic Estimation of Exposure to Substances from Multiple Sources (TAGS)” (LRI-B5-CERTH).